One month Post-OP: Keto with ZERO workouts

It had been one month since my surgery to remove a noncancerous tumor from my lower back. It has also been one month since I last worked out! But today is the day we jump back on the wagon! My plan of action? Finish up Insanity. I only have 2 and a half weeks to complete. I still want to add treadmill time, and weights so fingers crossed I find time for it all! So what has my weight looked like since I have NOT been active the last month? Is Keto still working for me? Well, let's look at the graph... Do I had a small spike up after my surgery, I imagine it was because of the donuts, but it's been all downhill since!! Keto for the win! That's literally the only thing I've done! So during this past month, I lost 4 pounds! Which brought me just a little under of my goal weight, and it's so exciting! Not going to lie though, I do feel my stomach is flabbier than it has been, which is my biggest motivator into getting back on the workout saddle. Also, I bought these ...