Skinny Fat to Fit Diaries: Keto, Surgery and Insanity
I felt like I was making good progress, but now I am at a stand still.
About a year ago, I felt a lump on my lower back. After a doctor's appointment and an ultrasound, I met with a surgeon who suggested removal so we could test it, although the ultrasound shows it's possibly a cyst. I had a break in my school schedule and decided to just go for it instead of making excuses and putting it off. Mainly because of my mom's experience.
She felt a lump in her breast. She saw a doctor, got a mammogram and they said it was probably a lump of fat. It should be removed, but it wasn't pushed as it's ultimately her decision.
She was the breadwinner, raising 3 girls by herself, so of course she put it off. A year later she went to get it removed and it was confirmed that it was not a lump of fat. It was Cancer. Malignant. Stage 4. Aggressive.
So I didn't wait to get it removed. I still do not have the results, though.
Okay, back to the "fit" part of this. I have paused working out but have NOT paused my Keto-ing. Keto-ness? Keto-ism? But I wanted to share my experience with anesthesia as I was carb deprived.
First, I did not eat carbs in preparation of going under. I didn't even think to ask. Post-op though, I was asked if I wanted crackers since I wasn't allowed to eat the night before. I asked if I needed the carbs, and the nurse just laughed and we skipped them. On the way home though!
We got donuts.
I ate 2 glazed donuts. I felt like I deserved them, but is that really a reward? Not next to having the abs I want ðŸ˜.
I hardly ate after that, a few pepperonis and a cheese stick and I slept most of the anesthesia away. That was a problem because when I finally got up, I almost passed out. But I felt better after I had dinner.
The next day though...
I hadn't taken any pain meds for a good 7 hours and when I got up, I felt so nauseous and had a headache and just needed to nap. Now that could be the anesthesia wearing off eventhough it was over 24 hours by this point. It could've been caffeine withdrawals (2nd day without coffee), or it could be the aftermath of having bad carbs? I just saw a YouTube video of someone's experience carb cycling with bad, unhealthy carbs and they felt almost hungover the next day. That had me like 🤔🤔.
Anyway, the 2 donuts were the only slip up I've had. I definitely gained like 4 pounds overnight. It has been steadily declining though. We are back on track to be Keto AF.
So I wrote the above last week. It has been almost 2 weeks since my surgery and I still have not had any cheat days or off days, but I still have not worked out. I will get my stitches out in 2 days, so it's on pause until then.
I would like to add though that I have finally broken the 118lbs!! I feel like I've been stuck on it for weeks now and I was for sure that I would almost have to start over with this "break", but no! This morning I weighed in at 117.6, then I peed and I weighed in at 116.8.
I haven't seen this number in years, so just catching a glimpse of it, even if we're back at 118 tomorrow gives me hope that I'll reach my fit goals and that Keto still works!
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