Skinny Fat to Fit Diaries: T25 and Keto UPDATE

So, it has been a few weeks since I checked in with my T25 progress and Ketogenic Diet updates. I'm happy to report I AM STILL on track to finish T25 this week, as I also celebrate my one-month-anniversary on the Keto Diet!!
Week 1 & 2 of the Keto Diet, my energy was down. I was so tired. I could not successfully keep up with just T25. Where I was adding treadmill or weight time after T25 some days pre-Keto, I just did NOT have the stamina to do it. I honestly thought I was burned out and wouldn't be able to finish T25. The 3rd week though, it was like a new burst of energy came over me. I was killing these workouts!!
I did slack a tiny bit on T25. July 4th week, my 3rd week on Keto, I skipped my T25 for the 4th and the following day- you know, just spending time with my family instead. And because Fridays are my double T25 days, I didn't add those workouts back in.
Week 4 on Keto (the following week, which is also this past week) I felt I had even more energy! I have added in treadmill and weights. Right now, I'm trying to add an extra workout after T25, every other day.
I finally took my Day 1/Day 18 comparison photos and put them side by side to my progress picture from 10 days ago and one from last week and I'm astonished at the difference!! Is that me?!

The first picture is from May 11th. The second is from May 28th. And then there is a huge gap between the 2nd and 3rd, as that was the time I wasn't seeing progress and I was also starting Keto. I still should have taken more pictures. The third picture is from July 3rd. The last one is July 13th. So this is almost 2 months progress!
My weight has consistently stayed at 122 this past week. I seriously needed Keto to get my eating habits in place. I was stuck for a minute, not seeing the results I was working so hard to get, and Keto helped by forcing me to eat better. I haven't been eating processed foods, refined sugars, and I make sure all my carbs come from veggies. If it doesn't have nutritional value, we aren't eating it! I'm excited to continue to improve and reach my goals.


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