No Days Off For A Stay-At-Home Mom

I sit here with a pounding headache, overwhelmed that I had to, yet again, exclusively deal with my toddlers tantrum/meltdown over probably just being tired. All I wanted to do was finish my coffee, but I, instead, had to hold her, rock her, walk around, find toys, hold her sippy cup because she was too upset to hold it (but wanted to drink it), ALONE while my husband watched a movie. No care in the world. No help whatsoever!
I'm tired of not having a day off. I get he works every weekday, but do his days off include a day off from being a parent? Because I don't get a day off from being a mom. When he clocks out of work, he completely clocks out of ALL responsibilities.

I'm walking around my house, trying to rock my baby to a calm state, and I'm noticing how much of a mess my house is, because I sat and watched a movie with my husband after the baby's bedtime instead of cleaning last night. I know I am getting ABSOLUTELY NO help with it. None. I never do.  It is adding to the frustration, the overwhelmed feeling. Is this really the life I signed up for?

I can't get ahead in cleaning, because as soon as one room is done, the next one is a mess. I know I can't be the only one who can't keep one room clean without the next one becoming chaos. I need more than 2 hands, and when there is an extra set of hands home, he rather watch YouTube videos or play with his "toys" outside.

Lately, I've been trying to accept that this is life, that I just have to get into a better routine to have a clean house. I tell myself, this is a job, just like any job, but with irregular hours where you're always on call. With that, I try to clock a certain amount of hours a day of JUST CLEANING/COOKING. This is separate from being a mom. That has helped put everything aside and just clean while my daughter sleeps/naps. It helps, but then we get to days like today where I still have too much to do and a husband who would NEVER bother himself to pick up a sock off the floor (not even his own), who won't deal with my daughter's fussing while I handle just ONE DARN THING!
I have to ask my myself, how did I get here? Is this the life I'm going to live forever?
Because I don't want to. I don't want to live one more day of it.


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