Night Time Kitchen Cleaning

I wish this was a How-To Kitchen Cleaning Routine. But to be honest, I despise night time, after dinner kitchen cleaning!
Everyone has left to their devices in their rooms, husband included. Baby has been given a bath and night time milk. You'd think I could go and relax with everyone else.
I have to come back to the kitchen and clean up after everyone, after ALL the hard work of making dinner and serving everyone.

I'm trying to look at this in the way of- say a restaurant. There is no joy in it, but it must be done and cleared so that the next meal may be enjoyed!

To make it a tad more tolerable, I've put on a Mud Mask so that I ar least HAVE TO do something for the next 10-15ish minutes.
Oh, and this kitchen will not be magazine worthy. Dishes will be picked up. Leftovers set aside, trash cleared, floor swept, MAYBE counter tops sprayed and wiped.
Clutter on the counter???
That pile of mail can wait. The recycling can wait. It will live to see another day.

Wish me luck as I push my boulder!


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