Simple Introduction

I've had a hole in my stomach, a feeling, a yearning, telling me to write down my feelings, write down my thoughts, so that's what I've decided to do. I am sharing my life, raw, uncut and unfiltered. To who? Who knows. But it isn't contained within me and that is the best part!

I have so many interests and wants and needs, so there isn't a certain thing I will hone in on. I have entered a weight loss journey as of 2 days ago. Not a huge loss is expected, but this skinny fat has got TO GO! I am a mother of 3, with the newest addition having come only 13 months ago. The oldest though, is 11 now. So there is all the crazy that comes with that. I am married to someone in the military, so I get to go long stretches with the kids being the ONLY people I communicate with. I was an avid sewist (sewer?) before out most recent move. We move every few years, so I live a kind of lonely life, to where I spend the first few years in a shell with social anxiety at an all time high, which makes my stutter horrible. Then, I finally feel comfortable to break out of my shell, and then surprise! Time to move! And with this current move, we have become 1st time home owners!!!
It is exciting and all (yay, adulting!) But now we are quickly realizing all the stress and work that comes with the title. I also have career and educational goals that I hope to one day accomplish, but each day that goes by, those dreams seem further and further away.

Sisyphus' Rock?? Well, if you're into Greek Mythology, maybe you know the story. I'm actually not even sure how old I was when I first heard of Sisyphus. Grade school for sure. I actually had to Google all I could remember to get the actual name. Sisyphus was the King of Corinth. I couldn't tell you the whole story (read here, if you're interested) but maybe he did some conniving things. Anyway, the part I remember is his punishment in his afterlife. He was condemned to rolling a boulder up a hill. Took a lot of work and effort, and when he finally got it to the top... surprise! It just rolled back down the hill.
This is how I've described my motherhood/wife experience. Maybe I am being a little overdramatic, but sometimes my life feels like I'm working really hard at accomplishing an insignificant task, and once it is done, BAM, time to do it over again.

Anyway, hope you stick around to read all about me, pushing my rock up a hill. Maybe we learn something from each other or ourselves!


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